Category: Machinestalk

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Machinestalk Awarded with Sensetime KSA information system technology in Oil & Gas industry – Saudi Arabia

22 June 2022. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: an innovative project is signed between Sensetime KSA information system technology part of SenseTime Group a leading AI software group, focused on creating a better AI-empowered future through innovation, and Machinestalk the leading IoT company in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The purpose of the project is to enable Oil & Gas sector in Saudi Arabia with AI computer vision-based technologies and innovative services to improve the profitability of the sector and enhance the operational excellence in the O&G transport field operations. This project will be a foundation for future cooperation between both companies to adapt AI technologies across other industries which will contribute adapting edge of technologies such AI & IOT together and localize the use of them in the Kingdome of Saudi Arabia vital sectors. In this regard, Engineer Nawaaf Alshalani – Machinestalk CEO commented “We are pleased to have this fruitful partnership on which it will improve the services provided and assist with the on-going mutual projects”

On the other side, Mr. George Huang, CEO, International Business Group at SenseTime commented “we are pleased to partner with machinestalk in this innovative project. While we foresee future cooperation with machinestalk in other vital sectors in kingdom of Saudi Arabia, we believe on the outcome of this project will contribute to bring profitability improvement and operational excellence to transport field operations of oil & gas industry in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

About Sensetime Group:

SenseTime is a leading AI software company founded in Hong Kong in 2014, focused on creating a better AI-empowered future through innovation. Upholding a vision of advancing the interconnection of physical and digital worlds with AI, driving sustainable productivity growth and seamless interactive experiences, SenseTime is committed to advancing AI research, developing scalable and affordable AI software platforms that benefit businesses, people and society, as well as attract and nurture top talents to shape the future together.

About Machinestalk:

A leading provider of Internet of Things solutions and has been operating in the Saudi market for 10 years. machinestalk’s platforms, services, and products give companies the insight they need to maximize efficiency and support scalability. The advantage of machinestalk’s collaborative work system is that it can serve a highly competitive, diversified and rapidly changing but promising market. As the collaborative work system needs players in the field of hardware, programming, technical support, and customer service to reach robust IoT solutions. All our services and products are designed for the convenience of customers so that they do not have to deal with many suppliers to get the desired results. We provide interoperable, ready-to-go and easy-to-use solutions that help articulate the vision needed for operational efficiency. machinestalk’s values ​​are based on high efficiency, customer care and innovation in order to provide cutting-edge, modern solutions.